Socialization is the process of becoming a member of society. From birth our minds are poisoned into believing there is only two types of human beings. Men and Women, not allowing space for anyone in-between.
Fancy Fannies is not only jewelry but a symbol to encourage all to meet the disowned parts of our bodies, emotions and whatever else has been rejected. For many of us it has been our sexuality. Constantly questioning out bodies, its parts, its function and what feels right.
The accessibility of technology, social media and pop culture contaminates our minds through idealistic but unrealistic representations of the human body. Saturated in unhealthy promotion of cosmetic applications and cosmetic surgery, not performed for one’s true sense of self but to fit into society’s very narrow sense of ego.
Labiaplasty is a surgery that is constantly culminating through the eyes of mechanic and medical ‘perfection’. In the past 5 years the demand has doubled in the West and girls as young 14 requesting this procedure. Labiaplasty is a plastic surgery performed to alter the appearance of the labia, typically the labia minora.
Then there are many religions that stifle or denounce sexual activity to promote spiritualty. Release of sexual desires results in many problems, such as female circumcision, the ritual cutting or removal of the external female genitalia, to ensure virginity before marriage and fidelity afterward, and to increase male sexual pleasure.
Both forms of feminine genital mutilation should not go unspoken of. Any practice, be that of physical or mental, that detaches our body from our own true self should not be apart of society’s system. There should not be a system that creates a divide between human beings with corrupt labels, titles, categories and expectations.
Society imposes an artificial binary allegiance to a fixed gender identification and compliance with its attendant gender role. Challenge the rolls in which we are trained to play that taints our perceptions and alignment with our mind, body and sexuality. Allow the ego to melt away and feel the deep sense of rebalancing in such gender-play. Mixing the elements of feminine and masculine create a balance in the universe. Each individual may have elements of both genders within them, in their personalities and attributes.